Tuesday, 5 July 2011


5:45 am  my lovely little Zelda came at me armed with a book, a banana and the words, " is it morning yet?". What a perfect way to start the day!

6:00 am and radio 4 kicked in.

6:15 and my alarm went off.

Ok Ok I was already up!

I went downstairs and played coffee maid and then got into the shower. I was leaving early as I had to be at my volunteer job by 9 am. It was the start of yet another 2 days workshop for two primary schools in Newcastle.

I had a lovely relaxing commute on a big train with lots of room. I drank an espresso and read the paper. Prefect time two!

The day went fine, but I was disappointed in the lack of preparedness by the schools for this workshop. I can not complain, I am just a volunteer, but at the same time I have had an enormous role in the planning of this project and I want it to be as successful as possible. Can you blame a gal for taking her volunteer job seriously???

I rushed to catch the train to get back to Durham in time to get Zelda from School. We then walked to the leisure center for Zelda's swimming lessons. We stopped along the way for an ice cream. A very important pre condition before swimming! I was very impressed to see that Zelda was given an orange cap, and her red one was taken away. She was now in Stage 2. She had moved up a step! I really felt like one of those glowing parents who say " hey, have you seen my kid? Look at my kid, look at my kid". ( said with a Brooklyn accent) Perfect times 3.

After the lesson we walked home. A small explosion occurred when Zelda was told she could not watch any TV tonight due to her behavior last night. I ignored this explosion, and carried on with my cleaning. It worked, it passed and everything was fine. Perfect times 4!

Did I mention that when I was changing Zelda into her swimsuit, I noticed her entire body was scribbled over in blue pen???? I asked,??" " when, where , why? She smiled, said this morning and had no explanation for the Why! Oh well...Anyway, after dinner I scrubbed her stomach and chest with cream and soap. It is not all gone, but it has faded somewhat! I like that she is creative!

I read to zelda, shut out the light and snuggled her to sleep. It took only 15 minutes. Perfect time 5!

Time check: 8:07, a glass of white by my side, and I am happy as could be. A mother today over heard me talking about moving. she got upset and said, " your leaving|?? We are losing you?"  I replied, " No way. I am never leaving. How perfect is that? Pretty damn perfect I say!

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