Wednesday, 23 March 2011


6am wake up call via the BBC classical station, followed by sunshine and daffodils, showers ( inside, not out), breakfast and more skipping down the hill and over the bridge to Zeldas school. We made it just as the children were lining up to go  inside. Afterwards I went to the university to have coffee like I used to. My routine, which was altered because of the holiday time is now getting back on track.

Into town to do food shopping, I loaded up my trolley to the brim with yummy things for the week ahead. The shop was empty as the university students are now on break for 6 weeks. With the sun still shining strong I walked home up the hills with my wagon.

11am and I sat down to re do my resume. I have decided that HR/recruitment work is definitely not the direction I want to go as a second choice, so I trimmed down the CV and pumped up the teaching and working with children experience and highlighted my art background. Still no jobs out there, but I am now ready should one come along.

I don't know where the day went, but before I knew it, it was time to go back to town and pick up Zelda. I left earlier than normal so I could enjoy the walk along the river slowly. Zelda was in good form and we went over to the park to play.

"The boys are trying to capture me" exclaimed Zelda as she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the other side of the park, where they were! Oh well, I guess I did not really wish to continue the adult conversation I was having with a friend. Once there, the two of just leaned against the wall, while Zelda made eyes at the boys trying to taunt them! ( her words, not mine).

Soon her friend Y came over and they were both wielding sticks and karate chopping hands. 3:30  and it was time for Y to go to her swimming lesson. We accompanied her and her dad to a cafe to have cold icy frappichino type drinks. It was a lovely and impromptu, just perfect!  WE said our goodbyes and went home.

Zelda snuggled into my arms for the rest of the evening on the couch. She seemed very tired. I must admit that this type of snuggle makes me feel dreamy and relaxed and that there is not a care in the world! I made her some dinner and then we went upstairs for a bed time story and more snuggles. Within 10 minutes she was off to dream land.

I went downstairs to find the hubby home. We ate dinner and snuggled on the couch. More snuggling! Perfect. By 10:15 I was in dream land.

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