Sunday, 20 March 2011

The weekend

chocolate cake, red wine and espresso, talking into the wee hours of the morning was how last night ended. We spent the evening with some new friends and although we stayed up too late and have been feeling it all day today, it was worth it. C and S grew up in Durham. He is in the music biz and she is in the same art field as I am. Strange, I have never met so many people in one small city all wanting to work in the heritage/art sector.

I spent the weekend drowning my fears regarding our maybe new house at the pub and at home. We received the survey report that we had done and it doesn't look good. There are many problems that need resolving and one of them might be the presence of asbestos, which if that is the case, the buck stops here. In any case the ceilings upstairs are covered in a polystrophome tile and they must be removed as they are a fire hazard regardless of the maybe present asbestos.

Friday night with Zelda in tow we went to  the Old Victorian pub. We stayed until 9pm. Zelda was again a big hit. She wore her red flamenco dress for red nose day. I sported a brand new short hair cut.

The daffodils are out in numbers and taking over Durham city! The moon was huge and these floral creatures could be seen reflecting back off the back of the amazing moon. The sky was unnaturally beautiful and I felt privileged to be standing under it. It truly was Amore!

There are no jobs going at the moment and I am not working on any projects for free currently. It is good as I think I must re-take up my house search and go on many more go sees again.

It is still light out until after 7pm now and the sun rises earlier too. I love the long days.

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