The lamp post on the other side of the wardrobe in the film Narnia was a lamp post in Durham. This morning, that lamp post was outside my window and so was all that snow!
6am I awoke to the giddy sounds of both Zelda and my husband, induced by the stillness and magic of falling snow flakes and about 6 inches of already deposited pristine white snow. I raced up stairs to the top room, which has six sky light windows on the A- frame walls. The views from this room are magnificent. I can always see the rainbows, the colored moody clouds, the sunshine and the trees. This morning I was looking forward to the snowy vista I would see. Instead I saw the inside of an igloo in the North Pole. White solid snow filled the panes. It was eerie. It was a bit creepy. It was cold. It was a perfect way to experience my first winters snowfall in England.
Northerners are die hard. Schools do not close. Everyone still walks to work and school. Instead of mini skirts and open toed shoes, I was looking at mini skirts and wellies sliding down the hill and marching into town. By the time we arrived we were 10 minutes late. Not too bad for our first attempt at the heel toe express on snowy icy hills. Zelda had a blast and so did we.
Coffee as usual and then into the center to buy warm under things and proper gloves for Zelda. Then, a quick stop at the charity shop proved successful. A lovely black wool short coat with cowl neck and two soft scarves all for a total of 6 pounds. I was now set for the winter also. I am learning the magic of layering. I feel like a wedding cake when I get dressed. First the silky light weight pink silk under wear. Next a soft cotton camisole. On top of that, a thin black Lycra turtle neck and finally the icing...a fleece. My short wool coat on top with a scarf wrapped around and I am good to go anywhere, looking good.
Walking up the hills in the snow I found to be easier than walking up them when there is no snow. I ask myself why? I don't know, but it felt great and I was happy and smiling all the way home.
After school club at the church was quiet today and very relaxing. Ian turned up at around 4pm and we all went home together. Today was Thanksgiving and we were going to spend the evening together. I made baked rolled stuffed turkey cutlets with lemon thyme, rosemary and orange. Brown rice and roasted baby carrots as an accompaniment. While I was cooking Zelda made a snowman with her daddy in the garden. It really was the most perfectly loving sight and I loved the feeling of warmth and happiness it gave me inside.
Dinner was followed by stories in front of the fire all snuggled up together. We then put Zelda to bed and she drifted off peacefully and content. All that snow probably wore her out.
Time check: 8:48. Zelda a sleep. Hubby investigating heating costs! Me, truly madly happy.
Enjoy all that white stuff. Good oh, you have your sled and your layers. bises, m