Wednesday, 17 November 2010


6am wake up as usual.
Coffee as usual.
Zelda in our bed snuggling as usual.
Strawberry milk as usual.
Grapes, clementine and banana in bed, not usual. Was this a sign that my day would be out of the ordinary?

Drop off at school went as planned.
coffee at the university happened as planned.
Weekely stop into the charity shop as planned. Bought six crystal sherry/port glasses for two pounds. They match the six crystal champagne flutes bought two weeks ago for the same amount.

An out of synch visit to the library to take out fairy books for Zelda.
We usually go every Saturday morning, but I promised I would take more books out for Zelda.
 As a parent, I think it is impossible to refuse books to a willing reader.
Give it to them, when and where they want it!

I felt particulary giving for some reason in the library after seeing a post for ESOL classes given there.
I introduced my self tothe instructor and volunteered my services.
He introduced me to his students.

They were adults from Iran, Italy, China, Indonesia and Mexico.
They were lovely.
The instructor said he might be able to use me for one of his own classes.

Home as usual by 11am.
I worked my way slowly through the house putting things in order.
I knew something was waiting for me.
Downstairs kitchen.
First floor bedrooms.

The computer.
A message.
Confidential, we will not be progressing with your application.

Rejection is interesting.
It made my day indeed unusual and out of the ordinary.
Rejection is for reflection.
My day was perfect.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry about that. But it will give you time to carry on discovering your new, long awaited perfect-day-life.
