6am talk radio Newcastle style, I was so dead to the world that I could not move to put it back to the BBC. I made my husband get up and he did, and made the coffee too...well pushed the button for the coffee maid!
I opened the window to see if we had had more snow, nope. We already knew that there would be no school for Zelda today as we read it on the TWITTER from her school late last night. She, of course had no idea.
7am yell for mommy. Daddy goes instead to get her. She refuses daddy, she WANTS mommy. Mommy refuses, as yelling is no way to get someone to do what you want. Daddy returns to bring Zelda in and along she comes willingly and happy. Yippee, I held my ground. We break the news and she screams with glee..."yeah, daddy play with me". Daddy replies, " what would you like to play?". Zelda says "polly pockets", I giggle and think to myself a perfect start to a great day. I remove myself and leave the two of them to play their game.
9am Hubby leaves the house as it begins to snow bee bee gun pellets of snow. Zelda and I get dressed. Zelda goes next door to play for a few hours while I traipse into town to fill a prescription, go to the bank, post office and market. A usual day just like any other.
Once home, Zelda and I play games, snuggle, watch TV and eat lots of biscuits and drink tea. My parents sent her a package, hence the trip to the post office, and inside were some great books. We sat and read and then built a city out of wooden colored blocks. Before I knew it, it was time for dinner. Some pasta and salad and then off to bed.
Time check, 7:44, bee bee pellets again, and hubby home. A glass of sherry awaits. A slow paced, fun filled day with Zelda.
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