Saturday, 1 January 2011


my nose and ears seemed to be working this morning..I could smell coffee brewing and hear noises rising up from the decks below, but my eyes were not ready to look.

The clock read 9:14. No sounds coming from Zelda, I felt relieved that she was still asleep. By the time everyone left last night it was close to two in the morning. Zelda crashed on the couch in a matter of seconds, so no wonder she was not stirring.

The coffee arrived, with orange juice and a smiley husband. It was the first morning of the first day of the New Year. I was happy, content, hopeful, motivated, warm and all the other adjectives that describe positive feelings. I was also, quite a few negative things, lazy, tired and hungover.

I knew the house was a mess on every floor, that meant three layers to clean up. When I took a quick look around, I tried not to panic...there were costumes, shoes, dolls, clothes, lego, toys and popcorn strewn all over the place, and that was just the adults mess! The garden was littered with fire work fall out and the kitchen had seen better days. We managed to clean up quite quickly in the end. I looked much worse than it actually was. We just sang a spoonful of sugar and snapped our fingers!

I managed to get out of bed and shower and make us all the perfect New Years Day breakfast; pancakes, sausage and fried eggs! This was followed by doing a puzzle and playing Cinderella with Zelda. Next up on my agenda for this day was sitting in front of the TV watching Mary Poppins and preparing Spag Bol for dinner.

All missions accomplished and I am ready for bed duty, my own that is. Zelda is asleep and the hubby is with her.

There are no New Years resolutions for today, tomorrow or ever. The year may have changed, but I will always be the same, forever changing, growing and seeing the wonderful side of life.

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