Tuesday, 25 January 2011


...is it morning? This seems to be our new alarm system, delivered by Zelda at very early hours of the morning. Today it was 6:17am. The radio alarm did not go off, so luckily the Zelda alarm did or we would have over slept.

The sky was full of pink and white cotton candy floss, wrapped around ancient buildings, and woven between the winter trees. We walked and ran through our landscape to Zeldas school. I was once again, amazed by my environment, and astonished that after five months living here, I am still caught off guard by the beauty of the place. It makes feel alive. I physically get high off it. I can feel the adrenaline going through my body and experience the changes in myself over the period of time that I am out walking. I am considering jogging again. The combination of exercise and landscape are a perfect pair.

Zelda and I played in the park before she went into the school yard. I played with her on her school exercise course. She held my hand and then just a finger as she hopped from one log to the next until she did it all on her own. I left her happily playing with her friends and set off to run my errands.

The afternoon was routine and we played in the park again after school. Zelda has lots of lovely friends and she really enjoys running around. I love watching her interact. She is becoming more and more gutsy as the days go by.

Once home we snuggled on the couch, she ate her supper and we did the night time routine. I read her stories, told her stories in the dark, sang to her and tickled her back. Sleep finally took her away and away I went.

Time check a soup simmering downstairs for our dinner. A lovely daughter  a sleep and dreaming in her bed. A wonderful husband hard at work and a perfect day comes to an end.

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