Tuesday, 11 January 2011


6am BBC radio Today program wake up call to Arizona shooting, Pound and Euro in favor of Euro not pound, cold but clear weather forecast, flash flooding in Brisbane and Spy Cruise at 9pm tomorrow night!.

Due to so much liquid consumed last night, ( tea and lem sip-not wine!)  I did not sleep well, thus this morning I was a bit on the cranky side. I must have gotten up to pee 10 times and was amazed that there was still more to come at 6am. Glad my body is working well.

Stayed home and cleaned the house from top to bottom. Zelda went to school with her daddy again.  I do love the feel of a clean house and today the sun came out right after I finished and shone brightly and warmed everything up inside.

2pm was our first parent teacher conference with Zeldas teacher Mrs. Stanley. We arrived an hour too early and went in 30 minutes late. WE stayed for 20 minutes and found out that Zelda is doing very well. She has adapted well and is now gaining confidence in the scholastic areas and not just in bossing other kids around. We were pleased with the report.

The sales are on full force at 70% off all items now. On my way into town for the meeting I stopped at Monsoon. I scored a gorgeous purple flowy dress with beading and purple angora cardigan to go on top for Zedla. For myself I found a gorgeous pink net and satin skirt and matching pink t-shirt with net flowers and beading. I will wear this for my birthday and give the dress and sweater to Zelda for hers. All four pieces for less than the cost of the original price on the dress alone. Yippee.

Once home things were not so honky dory with me and Zelda. It is so frustrating trying to get a child to listen. It never fails that the adult becomes just as much a child in the situation and arguments are the only results. It would be great if I could find the secret to maintaining my composure, thus not losing my power and lowering myself to a childs level. Once I find  this secret, I could probably run for president and win!, or at least get on Oprah.

Zelda is now in bed with her daddy. I gave her a bubble bath and he read to her and is snuggling her at this moment. I went in to say goodnight and looked her in the eye and said I love you Zelda. She then reached out her hand to mine and said she loved me me too. We looked into each other and we were both sorry. Perhaps love and understanding is the answer to power struggles. If it were, the world would be perfect, and not just my day.

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