Wednesday, 1 December 2010


It's decided, I will start antibiotics this morning. With this weather, it is a must in order to keep healthy! Yep, still more snow. Every morning when I lift the blinds, I just draw my breath in and it stays there. I have not seen so much snow come down for so long a period in my entire life. It is truly amazing. Perfect little Styrofoam shaped beads of white fall from the sky continuously.

School was on, Yippee, I did not think I could take another day of children's television. I was CBeeBeeed out. It was time for me to join the adult population and venture into Newcastle for my third day of work at the BALTIC. I was looking forward to going. I took my antibiotic, my neurophin meltlits and my joint drink. I was armed and prepared to face the storm.

 I ran out the door, saw the bus coming and ran all the way to the bus stop in my clunky hiking boots. Thank goodness for slush. The bus could barely move so I made it before he did to the stop. Lucky day I thought! Next I walked to the train station from where I got off the bus. A 10 minute hike up hill on slippery unshoveled steps proved challenging, but fun. Bought my ticket and caught the train that was almost an hour late with five minutes to spare. Again, lucky me! I even met a mom of one of Zeldas friends from school on the platform, so the ride in was enjoyable and full of new chatter.

Arrival in Newcastle on time. I had over 30 minutes to get to the BALTIC. All of a sudden my mind went blank and I had a white out. I wound up in the opposite direction from where I had to go. Everything looked different to me covered in snow. As I walked I thought to myself, I do not recognize where I am, but maybe its just the snow. I stopped to ask for directions. I had to go all the way back to the station and retrace my steps. I saw where I went wrong.  Was it the snow, was it the medicine, was it me? I had no time to think about it. I raced onwards and got to the BALTIC not on time, but early! Perfect timing, if not a perfect mind.

The workshop ended early due to the school closing at noon because of the snow storm. I was back in Durham by 1:30. I did some shopping for Hanuka, met up with my husband and daughter and we all went home to have cup of hot chocolate, light the Hanuka candles and open the first of eight presents.

Dinner, bath then books and bed. I am reading Zelda Charlotte's Web. She is really enjoying it. I love reading her a real story which gets spread out over time. The anticipation in her is wonderful to see. She was put to sleep by daddy while I waited for our grocery delivery.

Time check: 8:55....chicken pie in the oven, hubby working downstairs in front of the fire, still no groceries. so much for stocking up! All I know is that everything has gone exactly as it should. Perfectly.

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