Friday, 17 December 2010


I am short.

I am short listed!!!!

I have an interview next Tuesday at 9am.

It takes place at a lovely seaside hotel at the mouth of the Tyne river.

It involves a group workshop, then 1 to 1 role play and finally a bench marking assessment. We break for lunch and then will be told who makes it onto the 1 to 1 interview that afternoon. finally who is chosen for this incredible 6month contract with this amazing firm:

If i get this contract I will be helping unemployed people become employable. Help find them jobs, careers and a new self respect and self esteem. I am so excited to have the opportunity to get involved, not just work. 

The recruiters words; "I am delighted to inform you that you have been shortlisted out of many candidates for interview on Tuesday 21st December 2010"  Just perfect!

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