Whoever said Angels don't exist, never lived in my world.
The pain above my right eye, right side of my head and nostril made it very difficult for me to move this morning. I felt as though someone during the night hit me with a sledge hammer. Had I drank myself silly last night this might be appropriate, but no, I was a good girl and had half a glass of red wine and some pasta for dinner. I was not in a good mood and thus was very grumpy with everyone, until, I came out of the shower and found little pink and white wings attached to both Lilly and Zelda.
The cat was so good natured, she seemed not to have a care in the world and was some how oblivious to Zeldas playful devilish antics. She just lay there. Zelda could have dressed her up as Santa with white beard and hat and she probably would not have moved. Did she too have a headache? I rushed to get the camera and took many shots of my two hams, I mean Angels. What a perfect way to start the day.
Again we had trouble getting Zelda ready for school, but this time it was due to cold feet. Zelda was to perform in her school winter play. She was playing an Angel of all things. I think this morning was some kind of warm up only it did not work at getting rid of her stage fright. She had a good talk with her daddy, and he made her feel more comfortable by relating his own fears about performing in public when he played in the band. This made her feel better and brought on giggles and smiles.
The performance was wonderful. It was a bit too religious for my liking, but I guess it's hard to do a play about Christmas without Jesus. After the performance she and I went with our friends to a cafe for hot chocolate to celebrate. We then went home and lit the Hanuka candles. Zelda was able to recite the whole prayer and lit the candles all on her own. She opened her final present...the "big one" and was very happy to have been given something she mentioned she wanted a while back in the book shop; a pop up fairy princess castle book. Tomorrow I am seeing 3 houses, but I rather feel like moving into her pop up house instead! It's perfect.
Time check- 7:27pm. Zelda and her daddy and Lilly are in bed snuggling. Dinner is prepped downstairs and the fire is roaring in the living room. I am grateful for the angels in my life.
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