Yesterday was a mother daughter day.
Zelda spent the entire day in her pj's, and the only time I could get her out ofthem, was when I said I would take a bath with her.
We played build a castle, marry off the princess and made barbie cup cakes.
I ate lasagna with her while she pretended to be a rabbit and eat only the salad.
Some more play and then up to the bath. We pretended to be Egyptian princesses and added extra virgin olive oil to the bath water to soothe our dry itchy skin.
Back into the pajama and up into bed to read stories. Her daddy came home before lights out and she was over the moon. He snuggled her off to dream land and then he came out all relaxed and full of love. I on the the other hand was ironing my suit and shirt for Tuesdays interview.
A night cap and then off to bed.zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Today was father daughter day.
I woke at 6:30 am and dressed in my 17 year old black suit. I wore a funky Puciesque blouse underneath and pink chiffon scarf around my neck. I put on my high power brown sued VARDA pumps and was ready to go.
Zelda told me I looked beautiful, that my suit was lovely and that she loved me heart heart heart. I realized I already had the best job in the world. Nothing could be as perfect as that.
The interview was long and I was one of seven people selected from the original fifteen to go onto the final part; a one to one interview. The interview was forty five minutes and went very well. If they offer me the job, brilliant, if not I am fine with it. I just wanted to have the experience of getting back into the working force.
Time check..4:13 pm and Zelda and her daddy are out somewhere tree shopping. I am tired and have a great deal to think about and be grateful for. I love my family, my home , my life. A cup of ginger tea and a chocolate hob nob sit beside me. Everything is perfect!
Can you also play marry off the little Jewish comedian???