Wednesday 16 February 2011


I woke to rain.
I left the house in mist.
I arrived at the train station and the sun was shining.
I walked to the BALTIC and the river air smelt of sea.
I drank a delicious espresso while gazing out at the Millennium Bridge.
I worked on day three of the Pin Hole Project with a great group of students.
I felt really appreciated by the artist leading the workshop.
I was given the opportunity to explain and demonstrate to the students how to develop their film!
I developed many "black" photos. Perhaps there is beauty in over exposures?
I picked up Zelda and we had a lovely walk home in the moon shine.
I made dinner and snacks and more snacks for Zelda to eat.
We  had a meeting with the builder.
I did not put Zelda to bed, but her daddy did.
I have not made dinner yet, perhaps a delivery of Curry is in order?
I had a great day and feel inspired by the weather, the people, the activities, my family and myself.

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